Sunday, March 22, 2015

Preparation for Wednesday 25 March 2015

For the next few weeks we are going to connect our study of the kind of "culture" the Gospel should produce with the events associated with our upcoming celebration of Easter.  

You can prepare by reading Jn 13:1-17.  Just two questions for you to ponder.  

1.  Would you call what is going on in Jn 13 to be more of the "theory" of ministry or the "practice" of ministry?  

2.  How does your above answer impact our study of such very theoretical passages as Eph 5:23-33?  (I am not in any way implying that "theory" is bad--instead, I am wanting us to think about what it means every time Christ is brought up as an example of something--after reading the narrative of Jn 13.  In other words, does the life He lived add to or detract from holding Him up as an example?  Can the same be said of each of us?) 

See you on Wednesday.

Friday, March 13, 2015

Preparation for Wednesday March 18, 2015

After a week off for our Missions Conference, we'll be back this week to our study entitled "Gospel Culture".  Specifically, what kind of culture, or witness, should be observed by those watching a church fellowship that believes the Gospel--belief to the point that it transforms them into the kind of "Bride" that Christ desires.  

We have a few things to finish discussing about what the message of the Gospel is, and what it isn't, and then we will move from the individual to the corporate.  For not only does the Bible have much to say to the individual, it also addresses the corporate.  In order to be ready for this coming Wednesday, take a look at two passages:

   Eph 5:25-32
1.  What is the Church supposed to become?  What do you suppose this actually looks like in terms of day to day observable behavior?

2.  How does Christ feed and care for His Church?  

   Eph 3:10
1.  Is the Church's witness limited to our immediate surroundings?  When it looks like it is supposed to--who else is impressed and who gets the glory? 

Thursday, March 5, 2015

Preparation for Wednesday March 11th

No preparation for the 11th, as we have guest missionary speakers Ken and Thurleen Bain.  They have been ministering on a nearby Indian Reservation for the past 8 years,  so join us for a pot luck at 6:00 and then hear about what the Lord has been doing among the Tohono O'odham people at 7:00 PM.