We are just getting started on a study of both the Gospel and the culture it should produce. As I tried to make clear last Wednesday, I am trying to persuade you that a set of shared beliefs, truly held among individuals, should lead to a shared culture. Furthermore, by way of application, I am suggesting that our witness to the lost in our community is most powerful when it is a mixture of doctrine and culture. Now you might find that to be a surprising thing for a Bible teacher to say--someone who cares about orthodoxy above almost everything else. But I am also willing to hear God speak to me through His Word--and what does Jn 13:35 say? Does this seem more like an expression of orthodoxy or culture? (Specifically, I mean the culture the Church is to display to the lost world around us.)
We will take about Rm 1:16 this week and the culture it should produce. Meditate on this verse for a few minutes and think about the kind of culture that would result if we were a Church fellowship that shared a common belief in this verse?
- Of these two words in the verse, ashamed and power, which do you think is the one we are meant to focus upon?
- How does that change the culture we would have as a fellowship?
All of this begs that we understand the Gospel--as an exercise, write out your best understanding of the Gospel in less than 25 words.