Our passage of interest for this coming Wednesday is John 13:21-30.
1. The first thing to do is to sort out the "players" in verses 22-26:
- Peter is involved--not surprisingly;
- Who is the disciple "whom Jesus loved"?
- And then to whom does Jesus give the piece of bread he had dipped?
2. Now try to think through, based upon the narrative, how these players might have been arranged around the table. If you do, you will come to see an amazing demonstration of God's grace to Judas and an example of Jesus' persistent efforts to reach him.
3. One more thing--go back and read Jn 13:9-10 and see if you can explain to yourself a consistent understanding of what it means to be clean and yet need to be cleansed that applies to both the foot washing incident and the time of reclining at the table.
As you can see, we have some very interesting things to discuss.
See you on Wednesday.