Again, no preparation needed, as we will continue our investigation of apologetics with Dr. Ingolf Wallow. I think you will enjoy this--so consider joining us.
See you then, and Happy New Year,
Thursday, December 31, 2015
Thursday, December 24, 2015
Preparation for Wednesday December 30th, 2015
Yes--we will be having prayer meeting and Bible study on the 30th. There is no specific preparation for this evening, as Dr. Ingolf Wallow will be continuing his study in ethics and apologetics. Join us!
Have a Merry Christmas,
Have a Merry Christmas,
Thursday, December 17, 2015
Thursday, December 10, 2015
Preparation for Wednesday December 16, 2015
There really is no preparation for this Wednesday, but I hope you will come to hear guest speaker Dr. Ingolf Wallow who will be introducing a series on ethics and apologetics. I think you will find this to be very helpful in wrestling with some of life's thorny problems--both personally and in terms of ministering to others.
See you then,
See you then,
Wednesday, December 9, 2015
Preparation for Wednesday 9 Dec
No specific preparation for 9 Dec--planning on having several guest missions speakers. If we have time, we will take a look at n 15:9-10. You may want to give some thought to what it means to "abide" in the love of God.
See you Wednesday night,
See you Wednesday night,
Thursday, November 19, 2015
Wednesdays Nov 25th and Dec 2nd
There will be no Wednesday evening service on the 25th of November due to the Thanksgiving Holiday. On December 2nd we will meet for prayer, but the majority of the time will be devoted to a Quarterly Business Meeting. Consider joining us for this important meeting dealing with issues of stewardship.
Look for a Bible study post at the usual time, prior to the 9th of December.
In His grace,
Look for a Bible study post at the usual time, prior to the 9th of December.
In His grace,
Thursday, November 12, 2015
Preparation for Wednesday November 18, 2015
So we managed to talk about two of the three things I wanted to discuss last Wednesday--that leaves us to investigate the topic of faith. Specifically, faith as it relates to abiding in Christ and dealing with whatever challenges might come our way.
So to start, consider Jn 3:14-15, which refers to a very interesting Old Testament event that involves faith. What synonym is used for faith? Would the line of reasoning laid out in these verses lead you to believe that faith is something intrinsic to human beings, or something special that God has to give to you?
Then read Jn 6:29 -- again, does this seem like Jesus is telling the people that faith is something they have to do or that God has to give them.
Lastly, see if you can see a connection between Heb 11:1 and Rm 10:17.
See you on Wednesday,
So to start, consider Jn 3:14-15, which refers to a very interesting Old Testament event that involves faith. What synonym is used for faith? Would the line of reasoning laid out in these verses lead you to believe that faith is something intrinsic to human beings, or something special that God has to give to you?
Then read Jn 6:29 -- again, does this seem like Jesus is telling the people that faith is something they have to do or that God has to give them.
Lastly, see if you can see a connection between Heb 11:1 and Rm 10:17.
See you on Wednesday,
Friday, November 6, 2015
Preparation for Wednesday November 11th
As we continue to ponder what it means to "abide", "bear fruit" and "bring glory to God"--I want to do something very practical this week, and something that I trust will be very beneficial to you. So two things for you to ponder:
1) To abide requires faith, or stated another way, abiding is really part of the walk of faith of the Lord's righteous-ones (Hab 2:4). So what is faith, how do we develop it or stimulate it? What kinds of things hinder it?
2) And here is an even more challenging question--how do you think we should monitor ourselves with respect to abiding--bearing fruit? By this I mean, how do we keep an eye on ourselves to make sure we really are abiding. Furthermore, what should we do if we determine we have areas in which we have failed?
See you on Wednesday,
1) To abide requires faith, or stated another way, abiding is really part of the walk of faith of the Lord's righteous-ones (Hab 2:4). So what is faith, how do we develop it or stimulate it? What kinds of things hinder it?
2) And here is an even more challenging question--how do you think we should monitor ourselves with respect to abiding--bearing fruit? By this I mean, how do we keep an eye on ourselves to make sure we really are abiding. Furthermore, what should we do if we determine we have areas in which we have failed?
See you on Wednesday,
Tuesday, November 3, 2015
Preparation for Wednesday November 4, 2015
We will continue our investigation of what it means to abide in "Christ" and bear fruit. Among other things, this week we will try to understand what Jesus is teaching in v. 2 and 6. So by way of preparation, what does it mean:
- What does it mean to cut off a branch that bears no fruit?
- What does it mean to be "like" a branch that is picked up and thrown into the fire?
See you on Wednesday,
Friday, October 23, 2015
Preparation for Wednesday October 28, 2015
After digging into what it means to "abide" in the true Vine that is Jesus Christ, this time we are going to focus our study on what it means to "bear fruit".
1. First thing to consider--to what is the term fruit referring? A concordance or word-search might help you identify what Jesus has in mind when He says "it is to My Father's glory that you bear much fruit".
2. Now pick any one of the kinds of fruit you identified above--and think about the difference between "bearing" (carrying) that fruit and "producing" that fruit.
3. If you will think this through, you will get at one key aspect of what Jesus wants, i.e. for us to bear fruit as opposed to produce it. Why to you think it might be important to recognize this distinction?
See you on Wednesday,
1. First thing to consider--to what is the term fruit referring? A concordance or word-search might help you identify what Jesus has in mind when He says "it is to My Father's glory that you bear much fruit".
2. Now pick any one of the kinds of fruit you identified above--and think about the difference between "bearing" (carrying) that fruit and "producing" that fruit.
3. If you will think this through, you will get at one key aspect of what Jesus wants, i.e. for us to bear fruit as opposed to produce it. Why to you think it might be important to recognize this distinction?
See you on Wednesday,
Thursday, October 15, 2015
Preparation for Wednesday October 21st, 2015
Continue to read John 15:1-9 and spend time meditating upon it.
Once we understand who Jesus is talking to (this is what we worked on last time) we can begin to work on what He is talking about. So two things to think about:
1. What does it mean to "abide" in Christ? Jot down everything you can think of.
2. What does it mean to "bear fruit"? Again, write down everything that comes to mind.
See you on Wednesday.
Once we understand who Jesus is talking to (this is what we worked on last time) we can begin to work on what He is talking about. So two things to think about:
1. What does it mean to "abide" in Christ? Jot down everything you can think of.
2. What does it mean to "bear fruit"? Again, write down everything that comes to mind.
See you on Wednesday.
Friday, October 9, 2015
Preparation for Wednesday October 14th, 2015
This week we will be privileged to hear from Kris Klebs who is back from extensive missionary travels to the Philippines, Indonesia, and Senegal. We look forward to hear what the Lord has been doing, the future of her ministry efforts, and how we might pray for her. Please join us.
In His grace,
In His grace,
Thursday, October 1, 2015
Preparation for Wednesday October 7th, 2015
We will turn our attention to John chapter 15 this Wednesday, as part our study of the "Upper Room" discourse. This is an immensely rich and deep portion of God's Word, and I suspect we will be here for some time. In order to help prepare you, let me repost something I posted a few weeks ago (prematurely as it turned out):
Read the first 9 verses of Jn 15. Two pieces of analysis for you to consider:
1. Who are:
- The Vinedresser (gardener)?
- The Vine?
- The branches?
2. This one is more difficult--who are:
- the branches that bear no fruit?
- the branches who bear some fruit?
- the branches who bear much (vs 8) fruit?
See you on Wednesday.
Read the first 9 verses of Jn 15. Two pieces of analysis for you to consider:
1. Who are:
- The Vinedresser (gardener)?
- The Vine?
- The branches?
2. This one is more difficult--who are:
- the branches that bear no fruit?
- the branches who bear some fruit?
- the branches who bear much (vs 8) fruit?
See you on Wednesday.
Thursday, September 24, 2015
Preparation for Wednesday 30 September 2015
There is no preparation for this Wednesday's Bible study. Come and hear new member and retired pastor Ken Fahl share from his years of ministry. Check back next week in order to be ready for our study on 7 October--we'll be getting into John chapter 15.
You'll be blessed by hearing what Ken has to say,
You'll be blessed by hearing what Ken has to say,
Thursday, September 17, 2015
Preparation for Wednesday 23 Sep Bible Study
We should be getting into John chapter 15 this week. Read the first 9 verses. Two pieces of analysis for you to consider:
1. Who are:
- The Vinedresser (gardener)?
- The Vine?
- The branches?
2. This one is more difficult--who are:
- the branches that bear no fruit?
- the branches who bear some fruit?
- the branches who bear much (vs 8) fruit?
See you on Wednesday.
1. Who are:
- The Vinedresser (gardener)?
- The Vine?
- The branches?
2. This one is more difficult--who are:
- the branches that bear no fruit?
- the branches who bear some fruit?
- the branches who bear much (vs 8) fruit?
See you on Wednesday.
Thursday, September 10, 2015
Preparation for Wednesday September 16, 2015
No prep for this coming Wednesday, as after our prayer time, we will hold our quarterly Business Meeting. We will be back in John the following week. Look for a preparatory assignment next week.
See you Wednesday,
See you Wednesday,
Tuesday, September 8, 2015
Preparation for Wednesday September 9th
Sorry I am so late in getting this up this week. I guess when my calendar reminds me on Thursday I should just listen to it!
We had some very good discussion last week on the topic of "works", but I believe there is still more work to be done. So ready Ephesians 2:8-9, and define the word "works".
- What exactly does it mean?
- What are we not saved through them?
- Now back to my original question, is showing our love for God through obedience a "work"?
See you Wednesday night.
We had some very good discussion last week on the topic of "works", but I believe there is still more work to be done. So ready Ephesians 2:8-9, and define the word "works".
- What exactly does it mean?
- What are we not saved through them?
- Now back to my original question, is showing our love for God through obedience a "work"?
See you Wednesday night.
Thursday, August 27, 2015
Preparation for Wednesday September 2nd
I suspect we will finish chapter 14 this week, and there are some interesting things to investigate in the closing verses.
1. If you take verses 17, 20, 23--what does it seem to tell you about the members of the Trinity residing within the believer?
2. Verse 28 raises two interesting things for you to think about:
1) Why should we be glad that Jesus is returning to the Father; and 2) What does Jesus mean when He says the Father is "greater"?
3. How does the Christian learn from Jesus what obedience, and therefore love, is really all about?
See on you Wednesday.
1. If you take verses 17, 20, 23--what does it seem to tell you about the members of the Trinity residing within the believer?
2. Verse 28 raises two interesting things for you to think about:
1) Why should we be glad that Jesus is returning to the Father; and 2) What does Jesus mean when He says the Father is "greater"?
3. How does the Christian learn from Jesus what obedience, and therefore love, is really all about?
See on you Wednesday.
Saturday, August 22, 2015
Preparation for Wednesday August 26th 2015
We will be back in John 14 this coming Wednesday. In order to be prepared, read through the 2nd half of the chapter (verses 15-31) and think through the implications. I particularly suggest that you look at how many reference you can find to different members of the Trinity residing within the Believer. All three are there!
Friday, July 31, 2015
Preparation for Wednesdays Aug 5, 12 and 19th
No preparation for these three Wednesdays:
- Aug 5: Dr. David Reagan keynote address at Lamb and Lion Prophecy Conference
- Aug 12: Guest Speaker
- Aug 19: Guest Speaker
Look for an update prior to the Aug 26 study when we will be back in the Gospel of John and the Upper Room Discourse.
See you Wednesday,
- Aug 5: Dr. David Reagan keynote address at Lamb and Lion Prophecy Conference
- Aug 12: Guest Speaker
- Aug 19: Guest Speaker
Look for an update prior to the Aug 26 study when we will be back in the Gospel of John and the Upper Room Discourse.
See you Wednesday,
Friday, July 24, 2015
Preparation for Wednesday July 29th
Continue to read John chapter 14 as often as you can. You will discover both great truths, and generate many questions.
We will continue to reinforce this week the fact that from verse 6 on, Jesus is progressively unfolding the Christian Life. It is not too far removed from, "in order to be my disciple you have to take up your cross daily. . ." Here are a couple of things to ponder:
1) What two things should have already made it clear to Phillip that when he saw the Son, he was seeing the Father?
2) What claim does Jesus make in verse 10 that parallels vs 17 and Col 1:27?
3) How do you sort out the many references to loving Christ and being obedient? (And the blessings promised for doing so?) Is this a requirement for salvation? For something else?
See you on Wednesday,
We will continue to reinforce this week the fact that from verse 6 on, Jesus is progressively unfolding the Christian Life. It is not too far removed from, "in order to be my disciple you have to take up your cross daily. . ." Here are a couple of things to ponder:
1) What two things should have already made it clear to Phillip that when he saw the Son, he was seeing the Father?
2) What claim does Jesus make in verse 10 that parallels vs 17 and Col 1:27?
3) How do you sort out the many references to loving Christ and being obedient? (And the blessings promised for doing so?) Is this a requirement for salvation? For something else?
See you on Wednesday,
Thursday, July 16, 2015
Preparation for Wednesday July 22nd, 2015
This week we'll continue our investigation of John chapter 14.
Take a look at the statement Jesus makes in Jn 14:4, and then Thomas's response in verse 5--what comes to mind after reading Thomas's question? Does it make you question whether or not Thomas has a saving relationship with the Lord?
Now Jesus's response in verse 6 is very well known, and often quoted without regard to the context. Just two things for you to consider for this coming week:
1) Is Jesus saying He is one thing or three things? Can you briefly describe each?
2) Is verse 6 Jesus's complete answer to Thomas, or does it perhaps run at least as far as verse 17? (If it does run to verse 17, is Jesus addressing Thomas's salvation--or something else all together?)
Thursday, July 9, 2015
Preparation for Wednesday July 15th, 2015
We'll be in John chapter 14 this week. Here are a few things to think about as part of being ready for our study:
1. The first three verses of chapter 14 are very well known. However, once again, we usually pull them out of context. If you consider the completely unsettled situation being faced by the apostles, I have to think that the first two verses have much more by way of applicability. Can you think of any times in our lives we should apply the promise of verse 1-2?
2. These verses make a powerful case for the "rapture of the Church", can you explain why? Or asking this same question another way--do these verses fit with Jesus returning to the earth to reign as King of kings and Lord of lords?
3. Vs 4 begins a lengthy dialogue between Jesus and his disciples--what do you think it means to "know the way" to where Jesus is going? Whatever you come up with, has to fit the dialogue that follows.
See you on Wednesday,
1. The first three verses of chapter 14 are very well known. However, once again, we usually pull them out of context. If you consider the completely unsettled situation being faced by the apostles, I have to think that the first two verses have much more by way of applicability. Can you think of any times in our lives we should apply the promise of verse 1-2?
2. These verses make a powerful case for the "rapture of the Church", can you explain why? Or asking this same question another way--do these verses fit with Jesus returning to the earth to reign as King of kings and Lord of lords?
3. Vs 4 begins a lengthy dialogue between Jesus and his disciples--what do you think it means to "know the way" to where Jesus is going? Whatever you come up with, has to fit the dialogue that follows.
See you on Wednesday,
Tuesday, July 7, 2015
Preparations for Wednesday July 8th, 2015
We are back in Jn 13, and going to try and finish the chapter by looking at verses 31-38. A few things for you to consider:
1) Verses 31-32 have a certain immediacy about them that does not seem to fit with the actual unfolding of events--how might we explain this? Or asked another way, can you think of some things that are always immediately available for the Christian?
2) You have heard me quote vs 34 many times; however, we don't often consider the context. The context makes this passage even more powerful--how so?
3) The closing dialogue with Peter in verses 36-38 are a classic example of the dangers inherent in trusting self. Who then should we trust? How can we recognize when self is "creeping" into the picture? What does trusting in self do to our fellowship with the Father?
See you Wednesday,
1) Verses 31-32 have a certain immediacy about them that does not seem to fit with the actual unfolding of events--how might we explain this? Or asked another way, can you think of some things that are always immediately available for the Christian?
2) You have heard me quote vs 34 many times; however, we don't often consider the context. The context makes this passage even more powerful--how so?
3) The closing dialogue with Peter in verses 36-38 are a classic example of the dangers inherent in trusting self. Who then should we trust? How can we recognize when self is "creeping" into the picture? What does trusting in self do to our fellowship with the Father?
See you Wednesday,
Monday, June 29, 2015
Preparation for Wednesday 1 July 2015
No preparation this week as we have a guest speaker.
Thursday, June 18, 2015
Preparation for Wednesday June 24th, 2015
We have taken a little side journey to investigate the question, "If belief is what saves us, what exactly does it mean to believe?" A number of other questions naturally follow:
- Can you have the wrong kind or insufficient belief?
- What does Lk 6:44 add to our understanding?
- How about Rm 10:9-10
(Both of the above are challenging passages.)
- Lastly, do you see the Bible qualifying belief in any way? (Consider two famous passages--Jn 3:16 and Acts 16:31. They qualify the object, but do they qualify the act of faith!)
See you on Wednesday,
- Can you have the wrong kind or insufficient belief?
- What does Lk 6:44 add to our understanding?
- How about Rm 10:9-10
(Both of the above are challenging passages.)
- Lastly, do you see the Bible qualifying belief in any way? (Consider two famous passages--Jn 3:16 and Acts 16:31. They qualify the object, but do they qualify the act of faith!)
See you on Wednesday,
Thursday, June 11, 2015
Preparation for Wednesday Jun 17th, 2015
We've had some great discussion in John chapter 13, which makes up for the lack of forward progress. This week we will finish with our application of the "foot washing" and move into what Jesus has to say after Judas leaves the group. Here are a few things for you to ponder:
1) If you are a believer in the Lord Jesus Christ, what is the spiritual lesson for you associated with Jn 13:10?
2) Now put your answer to the above into the context of Peter's denial of Christ--what kind of application would you make.
3) Judas leaves, and Jesus makes a startling statement in Jn 13:31--what do you think this means?
- After pondering it a while, see if Jn 17:5 helps at all!
This Upper Room Discourse is great stuff isn't it?
See you on Wednesday.
1) If you are a believer in the Lord Jesus Christ, what is the spiritual lesson for you associated with Jn 13:10?
2) Now put your answer to the above into the context of Peter's denial of Christ--what kind of application would you make.
3) Judas leaves, and Jesus makes a startling statement in Jn 13:31--what do you think this means?
- After pondering it a while, see if Jn 17:5 helps at all!
This Upper Room Discourse is great stuff isn't it?
See you on Wednesday.
Wednesday, June 10, 2015
Preparation for Wednesday Jun 10th, 2015
I'm very late on getting this up for which I apologize.
We will take up where we left off last time--trying to apply Jesus' comments about needing "just one" bath, but regular "foot washing". Were these just narrowly focused comments that applied only to His disciples, or do they still apply to us today. We'll look at this in detail tonight.
See you tonight.
We will take up where we left off last time--trying to apply Jesus' comments about needing "just one" bath, but regular "foot washing". Were these just narrowly focused comments that applied only to His disciples, or do they still apply to us today. We'll look at this in detail tonight.
See you tonight.
Thursday, May 28, 2015
Preparation for Wednesday Jun 3rd, 2015
Our passage of interest for this coming Wednesday is John 13:21-30.
1. The first thing to do is to sort out the "players" in verses 22-26:
- Peter is involved--not surprisingly;
- Who is the disciple "whom Jesus loved"?
- And then to whom does Jesus give the piece of bread he had dipped?
2. Now try to think through, based upon the narrative, how these players might have been arranged around the table. If you do, you will come to see an amazing demonstration of God's grace to Judas and an example of Jesus' persistent efforts to reach him.
3. One more thing--go back and read Jn 13:9-10 and see if you can explain to yourself a consistent understanding of what it means to be clean and yet need to be cleansed that applies to both the foot washing incident and the time of reclining at the table.
As you can see, we have some very interesting things to discuss.
See you on Wednesday.
1. The first thing to do is to sort out the "players" in verses 22-26:
- Peter is involved--not surprisingly;
- Who is the disciple "whom Jesus loved"?
- And then to whom does Jesus give the piece of bread he had dipped?
2. Now try to think through, based upon the narrative, how these players might have been arranged around the table. If you do, you will come to see an amazing demonstration of God's grace to Judas and an example of Jesus' persistent efforts to reach him.
3. One more thing--go back and read Jn 13:9-10 and see if you can explain to yourself a consistent understanding of what it means to be clean and yet need to be cleansed that applies to both the foot washing incident and the time of reclining at the table.
As you can see, we have some very interesting things to discuss.
See you on Wednesday.
Thursday, May 21, 2015
Preparation for Wednesday 27 May 2015
There is no preparation for the 27th due to our quarterly business meeting. I'll have some specific questions for you next week prior to getting into John chapter 13, but for now, if you want to get a jump on things spend some time in John 13. Specifically, consider the meaning of verse 10.
See you on Wednesday for prayer and an update on the business of the Church.
See you on Wednesday for prayer and an update on the business of the Church.
Thursday, May 14, 2015
Preparation for Wednesday May 20th, 2015
I have been planning to begin a study of John 13-17 -- Jesus' instruction to His "inner circle". Those in whom He had made the greatest investment of both Himself and truth. Not only that, but those through whom the Spirit would ignite and spread the Church. I am still planning on going there, but we are going to hold off, as I have one more thing I would like to cover first.
Read Luke 9:23-f or any of the companion texts in Matthew or Mark. And then here are a few things for you to think about:
1. Write a one sentence summary of what Jesus is teaching.
2. What does this have to do with our study of the resurrection?
3. What does this have to do with our study of "revival"?
4. And, what does this have to do with our study of Gospel Culture?
I would suggest to you that they all fit together. Stated another way--if you are lacking in one, you are lacking in all. Give it some thought, and see what kind of questions arise.
See you on Wednesday,
Read Luke 9:23-f or any of the companion texts in Matthew or Mark. And then here are a few things for you to think about:
1. Write a one sentence summary of what Jesus is teaching.
2. What does this have to do with our study of the resurrection?
3. What does this have to do with our study of "revival"?
4. And, what does this have to do with our study of Gospel Culture?
I would suggest to you that they all fit together. Stated another way--if you are lacking in one, you are lacking in all. Give it some thought, and see what kind of questions arise.
See you on Wednesday,
Thursday, May 7, 2015
Preparation for Wednesday May 13th, 2015
Scotty will again be bringing the message this coming Wednesday. You can prepare by reading John chapter 1. Think through carefully what we learned in verses 1-14 (and 44-47) and see what truths you can find in the remainder of the chapter.
See you on Wednesday,
See you on Wednesday,
Saturday, May 2, 2015
Preparation for Wednesday May 6th, 2015
There is no preparation for May 6th due to a guest speaker. See you then.
In His grace,
In His grace,
Thursday, April 23, 2015
Preparation for Wednesday April 29th 2015
This will be our final lesson on the topic of "Gospel Culture". I think you will find it very interesting. In order to be better prepared for our time together--read Lk 15:11-32. You will recognize this right way as the "Parable of the Prodigal Son". Couple things to think about before we meet:
1. Who is represented by the Prodigal and the "Older Brother"
2. How is grace manifested in the parable? What are the consequences of rejecting God's grace?
3. How does this parable relate to Gospel-Culture?
See you on Wednesday,
1. Who is represented by the Prodigal and the "Older Brother"
2. How is grace manifested in the parable? What are the consequences of rejecting God's grace?
3. How does this parable relate to Gospel-Culture?
See you on Wednesday,
Friday, April 17, 2015
Preparation for Wednesday April 22nd, 2015
We studied the example of Jesus when He washed the disciples feet, which in turn led us to the truths associated with the Christian's calling to have a servant's heart and to follow the example of Christ. We have one last subject to investigate and it revolves around this question, "If we are living out the truth--a sacrificial, other-person-first, life of humility; how then would we expect the world to respond to us?"
You might think it would be grateful, or even respond to the message we have. Take a look at Jn 16:33 and Jn 15:18-19 to see what you can expect instead.
Stated another way, William Tyndale, Bible translator, said this about the Gospel, "Euangelion (the Gospel) is a Greek word signifying good, merry, glad and joyful news, that makes a man's heart glad and makes him sing, dance and leap for joy." And the world martyred him, for among other things, translating this good news into English.
How do you explain this? Should it effect our "Gospel Culture"?
See you on Wednesday,
You might think it would be grateful, or even respond to the message we have. Take a look at Jn 16:33 and Jn 15:18-19 to see what you can expect instead.
Stated another way, William Tyndale, Bible translator, said this about the Gospel, "Euangelion (the Gospel) is a Greek word signifying good, merry, glad and joyful news, that makes a man's heart glad and makes him sing, dance and leap for joy." And the world martyred him, for among other things, translating this good news into English.
How do you explain this? Should it effect our "Gospel Culture"?
See you on Wednesday,
Thursday, April 9, 2015
Preparation for Wednesday April 15th 2015
So during our last meeting together, I tried to show you that one way we (the Church) puts on display the manifold wisdom of God (Eph 3:10) is through the outworking of a servant's heart (Jn 13:15-16). And not just a few within the fellowship, but as a VCC-wide culture.
Now, are there any boundaries or limits on this service model?
- On the one hand, with Christ as our example, we might be tempted to say no.
- On the other hand, consider 1Tm 3:15 and Jn 18:37-38. I think they add something to what it means to be "holy. . . without stain or blemish" as a church fellowship. That's one of the things we'll talk about this week.
See you on Wednesday,
Now, are there any boundaries or limits on this service model?
- On the one hand, with Christ as our example, we might be tempted to say no.
- On the other hand, consider 1Tm 3:15 and Jn 18:37-38. I think they add something to what it means to be "holy. . . without stain or blemish" as a church fellowship. That's one of the things we'll talk about this week.
See you on Wednesday,
Monday, April 6, 2015
Preparation for Wednesday April 8th, 2015
We are going to continue our study of "Gospel Culture" while at the same time transitioning to a study of John chapters 13-17. Here is the connection I would like you to think about for this weeks' study.
How does the example of our Lord washing the disciple's feet (and the command to do likewise) relate to Eph 3:10? In other words--this idea of Gospel Culture seems to be tugged in two different directions. Are we to take on a servant's role--or put on display the wisdom of God to the watching spiritual host? Can these two be reconciled. We'll try on Wednesday.
How does the example of our Lord washing the disciple's feet (and the command to do likewise) relate to Eph 3:10? In other words--this idea of Gospel Culture seems to be tugged in two different directions. Are we to take on a servant's role--or put on display the wisdom of God to the watching spiritual host? Can these two be reconciled. We'll try on Wednesday.
Sunday, March 22, 2015
Preparation for Wednesday 25 March 2015
For the next few weeks we are going to connect our study of the kind of "culture" the Gospel should produce with the events associated with our upcoming celebration of Easter.
You can prepare by reading Jn 13:1-17. Just two questions for you to ponder.
1. Would you call what is going on in Jn 13 to be more of the "theory" of ministry or the "practice" of ministry?
2. How does your above answer impact our study of such very theoretical passages as Eph 5:23-33? (I am not in any way implying that "theory" is bad--instead, I am wanting us to think about what it means every time Christ is brought up as an example of something--after reading the narrative of Jn 13. In other words, does the life He lived add to or detract from holding Him up as an example? Can the same be said of each of us?)
See you on Wednesday.
You can prepare by reading Jn 13:1-17. Just two questions for you to ponder.
1. Would you call what is going on in Jn 13 to be more of the "theory" of ministry or the "practice" of ministry?
2. How does your above answer impact our study of such very theoretical passages as Eph 5:23-33? (I am not in any way implying that "theory" is bad--instead, I am wanting us to think about what it means every time Christ is brought up as an example of something--after reading the narrative of Jn 13. In other words, does the life He lived add to or detract from holding Him up as an example? Can the same be said of each of us?)
See you on Wednesday.
Friday, March 13, 2015
Preparation for Wednesday March 18, 2015
After a week off for our Missions Conference, we'll be back this week to our study entitled "Gospel Culture". Specifically, what kind of culture, or witness, should be observed by those watching a church fellowship that believes the Gospel--belief to the point that it transforms them into the kind of "Bride" that Christ desires.
We have a few things to finish discussing about what the message of the Gospel is, and what it isn't, and then we will move from the individual to the corporate. For not only does the Bible have much to say to the individual, it also addresses the corporate. In order to be ready for this coming Wednesday, take a look at two passages:
Eph 5:25-32
1. What is the Church supposed to become? What do you suppose this actually looks like in terms of day to day observable behavior?
2. How does Christ feed and care for His Church?
Eph 3:10
1. Is the Church's witness limited to our immediate surroundings? When it looks like it is supposed to--who else is impressed and who gets the glory?
We have a few things to finish discussing about what the message of the Gospel is, and what it isn't, and then we will move from the individual to the corporate. For not only does the Bible have much to say to the individual, it also addresses the corporate. In order to be ready for this coming Wednesday, take a look at two passages:
Eph 5:25-32
1. What is the Church supposed to become? What do you suppose this actually looks like in terms of day to day observable behavior?
2. How does Christ feed and care for His Church?
Eph 3:10
1. Is the Church's witness limited to our immediate surroundings? When it looks like it is supposed to--who else is impressed and who gets the glory?
Thursday, March 5, 2015
Preparation for Wednesday March 11th
No preparation for the 11th, as we have guest missionary speakers Ken and Thurleen Bain. They have been ministering on a nearby Indian Reservation for the past 8 years, so join us for a pot luck at 6:00 and then hear about what the Lord has been doing among the Tohono O'odham people at 7:00 PM.
Friday, February 27, 2015
Preparation for Wednesday March 4th
We are still warming up to our subject--the "culture" that should be apparent in every church fellowship because of their shared belief in the Gospel. In other words, the things we hold most dear (Gospel doctrine) should naturally manifest themselves in a certain culture (Gospel culture). This culture should be a distinctive mark of the church, and it should attract people to it, which is to attract people to Christ. As we saw last time, our understanding of what God has done through the cross of Jesus Christ (Jn 3:16), should lead us to love one another (1Jn 4:11), and it is this love that manifests God to a lost and watching world.
Beginning this week, we will start looking at passages that deal with the Gospel, and ask ourselves, "If we believed this, what kind of culture would it produce?" The first passage we will study is Rm 1:16. Meditate on this verse for a few minutes and think about the kind of culture that would result if we were a Church fellowship that shared a common belief in this verse?
- Of these two words found in the verse, ashamed and power, which do you think is the one we are meant to focus upon?
- How does that change the culture we would have as a fellowship?
All of this begs that we understand the Gospel--as an exercise, write out your best understanding of the Gospel in less than 25 words.
Beginning this week, we will start looking at passages that deal with the Gospel, and ask ourselves, "If we believed this, what kind of culture would it produce?" The first passage we will study is Rm 1:16. Meditate on this verse for a few minutes and think about the kind of culture that would result if we were a Church fellowship that shared a common belief in this verse?
- Of these two words found in the verse, ashamed and power, which do you think is the one we are meant to focus upon?
- How does that change the culture we would have as a fellowship?
All of this begs that we understand the Gospel--as an exercise, write out your best understanding of the Gospel in less than 25 words.
Thursday, February 19, 2015
Preparation for Wednesday February 25th
We are just getting started on a study of both the Gospel and the culture it should produce. As I tried to make clear last Wednesday, I am trying to persuade you that a set of shared beliefs, truly held among individuals, should lead to a shared culture. Furthermore, by way of application, I am suggesting that our witness to the lost in our community is most powerful when it is a mixture of doctrine and culture. Now you might find that to be a surprising thing for a Bible teacher to say--someone who cares about orthodoxy above almost everything else. But I am also willing to hear God speak to me through His Word--and what does Jn 13:35 say? Does this seem more like an expression of orthodoxy or culture? (Specifically, I mean the culture the Church is to display to the lost world around us.)
We will take about Rm 1:16 this week and the culture it should produce. Meditate on this verse for a few minutes and think about the kind of culture that would result if we were a Church fellowship that shared a common belief in this verse?
- Of these two words in the verse, ashamed and power, which do you think is the one we are meant to focus upon?
- How does that change the culture we would have as a fellowship?
All of this begs that we understand the Gospel--as an exercise, write out your best understanding of the Gospel in less than 25 words.
We will take about Rm 1:16 this week and the culture it should produce. Meditate on this verse for a few minutes and think about the kind of culture that would result if we were a Church fellowship that shared a common belief in this verse?
- Of these two words in the verse, ashamed and power, which do you think is the one we are meant to focus upon?
- How does that change the culture we would have as a fellowship?
All of this begs that we understand the Gospel--as an exercise, write out your best understanding of the Gospel in less than 25 words.
Thursday, February 12, 2015
Preparation for Wednesday 18 Feb 2015
We are going to begin a short study on Wednesday evenings entitled: "Gospel Culture". After our study of revival, the substance of the Gospel and the culture it should naturally produce, is something on which I think we need to reflect. So for the week ahead, please consider the following:
1. If we were a church consisting of "revived" individuals, would we by necessity have some kind of associated "church culture"? If so, can you describe what it would be like?
2. Read Rm 1:16. What does this teach us about the Gospel? What aspect of culture would result?
See you on Wednesday,
1. If we were a church consisting of "revived" individuals, would we by necessity have some kind of associated "church culture"? If so, can you describe what it would be like?
2. Read Rm 1:16. What does this teach us about the Gospel? What aspect of culture would result?
See you on Wednesday,
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